The Maltese Islands


The Maltese archipelago is located in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, the cradle of civilisation, whose history dates back 7,000 years. A history that has been shaped by its strategic location and perfect harbour setting, the Maltese Islands have paid the price of being situated at a crossroads of civilization, as their location meant exercising control over the Mediterranean and its vast Sea.

Irresistible to military powers, this archipelago in the centre of the Mediterranean has been conquered and protected by every expansionist power that ever shaped history in this cradle of civilization, from the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans and Arabs to the Normans, the Knights of St John the French and the British. At various points in its history, Malta has been a battleground, a refuge and a home to people of different races and cultures, resulting in a place that although small in size, is huge in history. The magnificent temples, cities and architectural gems remain to marvel at, and as a testimony to the rich and variegated victory of these islands.

For the more active, the Maltese Islands are surrounded by a stunning underwater world of reefs and wrecks. The crystal clear and unpolluted sea ranks the Islands as one of the best diving destinations in Europe and the Mediterranean. All three islands offer many unique diving experiences and the warm temperatures make them a year-round diving destination.

With an incredibly rich cultural heritage, picturesque Mediterranean beaches and a sought after yachting hub, it is easy to see why the Maltese Islands are so appealing.